Data Security and Account Deletion Request Information

Last Updated: 18.03.2023

Dear Players,
  At Aycom, we place great importance on data security and user privacy for our game “Boom Blitz.” To protect our users’ data and ensure their privacy, we provide the following information:

Account Deletion Request

If players wish to have their accounts deleted, they can contact us at the following email address:
Please use the subject line “Account Deletion Request” in your email and specify that you want your account to be deleted. Requests sent to the provided email address will be processed promptly.

Types of Data and Retention Periods

  1.Player data is used solely to enhance in-game experiences and create rankings.
  2.Data types include player nicknames, in-game level scores, and other relevant information.
  3.Data is stored only as required by the game and unnecessary retention periods are minimized.

Privacy and Security

  1.We protect player data using encryption and other security measures.
  2.To review our data security policy, please click here.

This information will also be displayed on our Google Play store entry. We present this information clearly to help our users make informed decisions regarding data security and privacy.

Best regards, Aycom Team